Do You Really Need SEO?

    SEO is important for all business owners who owned a website and what to be visibily seen online. Without SEO or Search Engine Optimization, it will be close to impossible to be ranked well in the search engines and is impossible

    to have any leads of customers.. There are of course other alternatives to SEO like Google Adwords, also known as pay per click.

    The Pay Per Click system is a unique model where advertisers do not need to pay for the countless impression but pay only when there is a click to the website. This type of method is called pay per click. It can be costly at times

    depending on the keywords you are achieving for. One of the most expensive keyword in relation to my industry is SEO, So SEO related keywords like SEO Singapore, Singapore SEO, SEO Training, Search Engine Optimization.

    They cost usually about a dollar or so per click.

    So lets put in a more generic business market, examply you are in the sports and fitness industry. You are dealing with sports equipments and keywords will be like gym equipment, threadmills and more. With the internet being a

    high competitive place to trade online, these keywords cost somewhere $2.00 per click. And as consumers ourselves, we know that we are not a one hit purchaser. Normally, we browse through several websites, do several

    comparison before we make an enquiry. Note the important word here is enquiry.

    An enquiry does not guarantee a sale but only guarantee an interest to the customer in your product or services. The average ratio for enquiries is at 1% which is equal to 100 clicks there is 1 enquiry. In any campaign, we will have

    various keywords as we want to achieve the best out of it. Different people search online in different combinations. Agree?

    Keyword combinations for keywords are somehting like this. Example back to us for the keyword SEO Services.
    The variations includes SEO service, SEO services, SEO services Singapore, Singapore SEO Services, SEO company, SEO, SEO in Singapore, etc and the list builds on. So for 1 single product, you have a string of at least 10

    keywords. and what happen if you have 10 keywords? You will need 100 combinations.

    Adding the cost just for 1 single product and 1 keyword in 10 combinations, will give you 10 multiply by 100 potential clicks = $1000 on total advertising spend for just 1 single product per month. this virtual online advertising is going

    to burn the hole in your company bank account. That is why we introduce search engine optimization and the importance of search engine optimization is it is cost savings.

    Seo is not an immediate thing and we are professionals at work and not magicians. SEO takes weeks and sometimes even months to being on the page 1 of the search engines. But founder of Reach Media and Voraccino Software

    have found a unique way which can bring up your rankings in thefirst page of Google in just 21 days. Sound too amazing to be true right.

    The secret is in the software itself. Jeremy has created the software of seomagiclinks. This software is totally white hat and post panda and post penguin safe. Rank for any keywords you want on the first page of Google fast with the

    proven simple methods behind it. Understanding the troublesomeness of getting ranked on Page 1 and the competition behind it, he has created this formular which works close to what magician can do.

    For details on seomagiclinks you might want to check out the website at

    So with this information guide here, i do hope you know what is best for you for to choose SEO or Google Adwords over your presence and success online.